Thursday, November 18, 2010

Events creation

DIFF 2008

In recent years, my work came off the page and screen and exploded into real, three-dimensional space when I began applying my knowledge of film, advertising, and the circus (scroll lower to see more) to event design and creation.

The biggest bang yet was at the 5th Annual Dubai International Film Festival. I was hired by Circo de Bakuza to create an opening live multi-media, multi-screen performance in a theater, an opening party on the beach facing the Burj Al Arab, and a closing ceremony event in a stadium out in the desert. An incredible trip!

Events Creation: Red Bull X-Figthers

With Circo de Bakuza, we added a little sparkle to the 2009 Red Bull X-Fighters event in Calgary by creating a Stampede-inspired opening number and integrating a flame show that was particularly spectacular during the final wild ride.

Experience Design

I am often asked to take part in developing "experiences," a loose term that can mean anything from a retail store to a museum to a hotel resort to a temporary village. Naturally, I work with architects, industrial designers, designers, and, as you imagine, the ratio of proposed experience to executed project is much higher than, say, website creation to website production.

Pictured here is a project that came together in a flash: with Stephane Bernier of Aedifica and Kris Manchester of Sid Lee, I conceived the poker rooms at both the Montreal Casino and the Casino Lac Leamy in Ottawa. The projects happened so efficiently that the Lac Leamy room was built and running before I even knew about it!

I love this stuff. It's one thing to have an idea and have it appear on paper or on screen. When you can walk into it and touch it, woah.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Conversational Capital

Bertrand Cesvet of Sid Lee asked me to write a book with him about a how positive word of mouth can be engineered into consumer experiences. It ended up being a very fruitful and enjoyable collaboration, with Eric Alper joining in. It was published by Financial Times Press, and still has "legs" as far as I can see.

There are many videos featuring the authors, including this one. BTW, I directed these, too.

My director's reel

About 5 years ago, CORPS (scroll down to end) was supposed to be my first directing job, but it ended up being my second. The week pior I ended up directing a series of comedy shorts for a corporate client. The afternoon we wrapped CORPS, I was on a plane to Las Vegas for job no.3

Lots of cool stuff followed on the heels of that first hectic hat trick. Here's a quick overview.

Tony Babinski Director Reel from tony babinski on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Human Fly

I have acquired the rights to The Human Fly, the world's first real superhero. He was a real life stuntman who appeared in super hero comics published by Marvel Comics in the 1970s. I am developing a feature film with my LA partners Steven Goldmann (who is directing) and Alan Brewer (Producer.) We are also in discussions to have the character reappear in comic book form. There's more - with the Fly, the sky's the limit!

Award Winning Advertising Creative

I have done a lot of work as a writer and creative lead in the last ten years or so for Sid Lee, an advertising agency that is enjoying tremendous and well-deserved success. It is by nature a collective, so I would never want to lay personal claim for too much, but take a look at their portfolio at adidas, Cirque du Soleil, MGM Grand... all brands I know well.

You can follow the link below to info about one award winner

Best of Show | Award Winners

Sid Lee's portfolio is at

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cirque du Soleil: 20 Years Under the Sun

This book came out in 2004, for Cirque's 20th anniversary. It was published by Harry N Abrams of New York. I had a ball researching and writing it, especially spending time with various shows and meeting so many interesting, creative artists. The project was part of what has become a long involvement with a company I've been lucky to get to know well.

Short Art films

I began producing short art films in 1994. Over the years, with creative partners, I have scored them, performed in them, written them, and, more recently directed them. (Check the credits - many of the same names come up over the years.) Most films were created with my friend J.Jacob Potashnik under the "mtl/ART" banner.

They have all been broadcast (on Bravo! and Musique Plus in Canada) and have won awards at festivals. This has been work "from the heart." I had much more hair when I started!