Monday, July 15, 2013

The Human Fly returns at San Diego Comicon 2013

As you can see by scrolling down on this blog, I am occupied with many other things besides The Human Fly. Nevertheless, the blog will be mostly about THF for the next few postings, because, after years of development, we are finally bringing the Fly back to public life at San Diego Comicon 2013, which begins in only a few days.

THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THE HUMAN FLY has been put together by Michael Aushenker of Cartoon Flophouse, and features stories and art by Michael, and art by contributors Javier Hernandez, Steve Kroziere, Bob Layton, Al Milgrom, and many more. I contributed a story, illustrated by Paul Mason, who stepped in from Australia at the last minute and did a great job.

It is extremely exciting to see this property come back to life. Unfortunately, a scheduling conflict means I won't actually be in San Diego to watch it happen. My stalwart partner Alan Brewer will hold down the fort, along with the always early rising Joel Eisenberg, and, of course, Michael, who has contributed so much of his time and heart to this project.

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