Friday, November 18, 2011


I was recently hired by Montreal retail architecture company Aedifica to bring some creative direction to the branding and graphics of a new container restaurant that just opened in Times Square, next to the TKTS booth. "SnackBox,"a high-end street food concept, is the brainchild of acclaimed restaurateur Jonathan Morr, who worked with Montreal's Muvbox on the project. Check it out in when you're in NYC - the marshmallow shake is a stand-out.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


This is a film I produced and "star" in, along with some real and very talented performers, based on some of my poetry, created with J.Jacob Potashnik a couple of years ago. After playing the festival circuit, it is ready for continued existence online.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bell-One Night Under a Blue Sky

Wow, what a wonderful event this was.

The Bell Gala - One Night Under a Blue Sky was a black tie gala dinner hosted by Bell in support of CAMH (Center for Addiction and Mental Health) at the Metro Toronto Convention Center on on October 11, 2011. I was invited in as Creative Director by my good friends at Circo de Bakuza, and enjoyed every step of the ride. The client was very supportive and ambitious (thanks Rick) and our team at Circo was working at peak efficiency. Not only were we encouraged to dream big, but we were enabled to pull it off without a hitch.

No small feat - the show was so big that we had to set up in a phantom rehearsal hall in a hangar near Pearson Airport for several days, to allow time for our crews to move into the MTCC on Saturday morning at 1:00 a.m. and begin loading everything in (at least, I think it was 1:00 a.m. - it's a all a blur.) Cast and crew = about 300.

The show featured Ballet Freedom from Kiev, the incredible fire troupe from France La Salamandre, and the angelic Zazi Trio from Holland, as well as some homegrown aerialists, gymnasts, dancers and models. All set to music by my soul brother Robert Marchand, who continues to outdo himself with every gig, and deftly directed/stage managed with warrior focus by the mighty Stefan Miljevic.

Well done everybody!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Conversational Capital in Polish

Just got my hands on the Polish translation of Conversational Capital.

It joins the French, Dutch and Spanish translations of the English language original - though, given my family history, this one's kinda special.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

He writes, he scores!

My brother Bob just posted this clip from a documentary we created together a few years ago for Radio Canada - POINGS D'APPUI ("Connecting" in English.) It is about the boxer Otis Grant and his spectacular return to fighting after a near-fatal car crash. Bob developed and directed the film, and I wrote and scored it (the latter with Robert Marchand.) It was fun to watch this clip again - I had a particularly good time wanging away on the guitars you can just hear under the rest of the soundtrack.

Opening sequence ..Otis Grant's life story from Bob Babinski on Vimeo.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Full circle in Amsterdam

I met Jacob Potashnik in 1985, while on my first job out of university. It was a film for Expo ’86 called TAMING OF THE DEMONS – a multi-screen affair for the Canadian Pavillion, directed by Emil Radok, a Czech pioneer in the genre, known for developing (with his brother Albert) the Lanterna Magica technique that combined live action with filmed subject matter. I was a Production Assistant, and Jacob, eight years older, was the Second Unit Manager.

Over the years, we developed a close friendship, and, in the 1990s worked closely together on the mtl-ART short films (see below on this blog,) as well as a couple of screenplays. We recently made another short film together (IN THE COOLER)

Our friendship has survived working so closely together. Back in those days, before Sid Lee, Cirque du Soleil, events, books, and the whole international trip started, it was often just down to him and me.

Recent years have seen us mostly doing our own thing. However, as coincidence would have it, we were both hired to work on a new project for Ajax, Amsterdam’s celebrated football (soccer for Americans) club. With Sid Lee Architecture and GSM of Montreal, I helped to create the “Ajax Experience,” a museum-like experience intended for fans of the team (think a more modern, Dutch NHL Hall of Fame.) Later, Jacob was asked to Line Produce the video content for the museum. And I was asked to direct it.

We have just completed the first phase of the Amsterdam shoot, reunited on a project not onlike TAMING OF THE DEMONS – interactive and educational film work for screens of various sizes, intended for a permanent installation. I wonder what Mister Radok, whom I admired so much, would have thought?

So, here are a few pictures from the gig, still in progress. There is a picture of me standing in front of where the Ajax Experience will be located, in a building opposite Rembrandtplein (“Square.”) Don’t judge the square by the drunken tourists who gather there at night! There’s a picture of Jacob inside the Experience, still under construction, but not such a long way from completion. And there is a shot of our shoot, some of it studio against green screen, with a great and welcoming Dutch crew. Last but not least, you can see some stills from our exterior shoot at The Tokomst (“To Come”) a training area for young and promising footballers. Our subjects that day were 9 or 10, incredible players who smoked every adult who dared to step on the field with them - young Amsterdam hopefuls who stood up to being interviewed on camera like old pros.

I liked Amsterdam a lot, its canals and low-rise beauty. As an urban cyclist since the 1970s, I am totally in awe at how bicycle transportation is integrated into the city. Coming full circle couldn’t have happened in a nicer place.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Re-Imagining Moishes

Yes, I work on a lot of big jobs for big international brands. But, sometimes, small is beautiful too. My new pal Lenny Lighter approached me some time ago about helping to breathe new life into his beloved brand - a Montreal institution since 1937, voted one of the top 10 steakhouses in the world by Forbes magazine. Over the last few months, we have upped Moishes' social media presence and re-engineered the consumer experience. The regular menu has been updated, and a new after 9 menu branded, introduced, and launched with a series of ads in a local alternative weekly. Last but not least, a beautiful renovation designed by Patty Xenos was launched last week. So far, consumer response has been tremendous!

Here are some new pictures by Stephane Cocke:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

adidas GMM event

I recently was involved in the creation of the semi-annual adidas marketing meeting with Sid Lee, production: Brandscape. Since the brand is now "all in," we presented a central stage with catwalks extending to three peripheral stages + lots of screens, so there was plenty of room for special guests, speakers, video and models, dancers, athletes, tumblers, etc... and the 360 degree set up meant everyone could feel close - to the action, and to each other!

Here are some photos from the rehearsal.